It should be noted that some cookies are necessary for operating our website and other ones to collect data from your device to optimize interaction with it. It is our policy to use cookies only with the digital services users consent we provide, except where the use of cookies and tracking technologies is strictly necessary for the use of our service. Therefore, we have asked you to agree to the use of cookies upon entering our website.
To learn what cookies and similar technologies are, we recommend you to visit the following website:
On our website we use functionality and performance cookies.
While functionality cookies are mandatory for the basic functioning of our website and are therefore always active, performance cookies are used to collect statistical information about how our visitors use and interact with our website.
When you have enabled the use of performance cookies, we use the Google Analytics tool. As such the Analytics tool collects the following information:
Your approximate location;
Your IP address;
How you found and accessed our website (e.g., whether via a search, link, etc.)
The number of visitors to our website;
The pages or content with the most traffic;
It is also important to note that Analytics cookies may retain information for a period of up to 2 years. For more information, please consult the following link:
Bismon Logo
Rua Vasco Santana, nº 2 - 3º F,
2620-362 Ramada, Portugal